Forgiveness and reconciliation

The sacrament of forgiveness, formerly known as confession, is one of the privileged means chosen by God to show us his love, tenderness and mercy. It's a sacrament that could be described as “unloved” in the modern church, surely due to the fact that it's poorly understood; surely also due to our ignorance of it. How can we be afraid of a God who has made himself so small and so close to us!
The Lord's forgiveness brings profound peace and joy to those who receive it. Let us not hesitate to avail ourselves of it. It's a precious gift we can give ourselves.
Individual consultations with a priest can be arranged before mass, or by appointment at the office. Two community celebrations are also held each year, during Lent (before Easter) and Advent.
Contact us to schedule an appointment with a priest
(450) 373-0674, ext. 3