Get married at the Catholic church

Have you decided to get married in church? Before taking any other steps, contact us.
We will meet with you to get to know each other, discuss the meaning of your project, answer your questions and inform you about the stages of preparing for marriage.
An opportunity to understand how it unfolds, to choose the texts and songs for a celebration expressing what you believe and experience.
Meeting with the celebrant to complete the file and prepare with him the marriage celebration in order to celebrate your love in the presence of God, your parents and friends.
Call the office to reserve a date (this date will only be confirmed once you have met the priest and presented all your documents).
Bring the following documents:
Obtain a baptismal and confirmation certificate with annotations (The certificate must have been issued within the last 6 months. To obtain it, you must contact your parish of baptism, even if you were confirmed in another parish).
Your birth certificate from the Civil Registry of Quebec: http://www.etatcivil.gouv.qc.ca (not the pocket size) or your citizenship card and passport.
If you are not from the parish, you must obtain permission from your parish to marry another
church (this is called a supplication).
If you have already been married civilly, you must bring us your divorce certificate.
If you were married in the Church, you will need to have obtained an annulment.
Once you have all the documents in hand, please make an appointment with the administrative assistant.
Contact us
We're here to help you on your spiritual journey. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

11 rue de l'Église suite 128, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield (QC) J6T 1J5
(450) 373-0674, ext. 3